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Finalist teams of Social Impact Award have been revealed

Within the scope of the Social Impact Award, implemented by Impact Hub Tbilisi with the support of EFES Georgia and Anadolu Efes, the finalist teams have been revealed!

About 60 applications were submitted this year, and six teams with innovative ideas were selected:

MFT: A smart cap that allows people with special needs to control a mouse by moving their tongue.

Hoppla: A travel platform that connects drivers and passengers on a common route.

Portico: A freight management platform that optimizes routes.

Petcare: An AI-based application that scans a pet's body, indicates possible diseases, and offers live consultation to the user.

BIONOVA: A device that produces biogas, biofertilizer, and electric energy from organic waste.

Story Land: A platform that allows users to turn any story, tale, or narrative into a game.

Over the next two months, the selected teams, together with mentors, will work intensively to develop their ideas.

At the final stage of the program, three winning teams will be identified. They will receive financial support for implementing their social business ideas and participate in the Social Impact Award international summit in Germany.

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