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By the initiative of the Georgian Global Compact Network and with the support of the Swedish Government, the contest Corporate Responsibility Award 2020  was held in Georgia for the third time, where Efes Georgia got awarded in the category: Decent Work and Economic Growth. This is the fifth award the company received in various CSR contests since 2018.

"I am proud that the competent jury distinguished us among many interesting and important projects. I would like to thank the organizers and each member of the jury for the recognition. This award is an additional motivation not only for the management of the company, but also for all employees. This award proves that the company's activities are based on a high standard, it aims at sustainable development, which brings long-term benefits to both the company and the community. At the same time, we are making a certain contribution to the development of corporate social responsibility in Georgia,” said Nikoloz Khundzakishvili, Corporate Affairs Director of Efes Georgia.

Efes Georgia's victory in the category Decent Work and Economic Growth was due to clearly defined priorities and relevant activities of the company, such as creating a dignified and safe environment for employees, designing individual development plan and delivery of training for employees, drafting a code of business ethics based on equality, supporting gender balance, working remotely during COVID-19, organizing online meetings and training, disinfecting brewery and offices daily, controlling temperature, providing staff with gloves, masks and disinfectants, etc.

The Contest Corporate Responsibility Award 2020, in which 70 companies participated, aims to develop a culture of corporate responsibility in the country and encourage business involvement in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda. Poverty elimination; Quality education; Decent work and economic growth; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Reasonable consumption and production; Partnerships for Sustainable Development - these are the categories in which the winning companies were identified and awarded by international and local jury members.

The awarding ceremony for the winners of the Corporate Social Responsibility Award in Georgia was held for the first time in 2018. The company Efes Georgia also won in that year in the category Best Environmental Project. In 2019, in the category Partnership for Sustainable Development, the partnership project of Efes Georgia and the non-governmental organization Our House – Georgia  Natakhtari Fund was named the best.

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