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Activities of natural forest renewal in Tianeti

EFES Georgia has started activities to support the natural renewal of the forest in the Simoniantkhevi forest area, Tianeti. The company’s employees engaged in forest cleaning and tree-planting activities together with the representatives of the National Forestry Agency of Georgia and volunteers. It’s noteworthy that EFES Georgia will also take care of the long-term maintenance of the restored area within the framework of the Forest Friend program.

It is also worth mentioning that EFES Georgia is the first company to join the Georgian forest care platform - Forest Friend. Beer EFES Special will take care of 12 hectares of forest renewal in the Tianeti forest district as part of the Forest Friend project. As a result, 36,000 trees will be planted, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced. It's important that consumers of EFES Special automatically become project participants. 

‘Achieving sustainable development goals stands as a crucial and primary focus for EFES Georgia, particularly in the realm of environmental protection. EFES Georgia has become the first company to join a volunteer program dedicated to the preservation of Georgia's forests. Through the Forest Friend initiative, EFES Special beer is dedicated to the restoration of a 12-hectare area in the Tianeti forest region. The beer not only offers consumers a unique experience but also aligns its communication and essence with the environmental cause. A QR code on the beer bottle allows users to automatically become participants in the project, fostering a sense of connection as a friend of the forest,’ Ketevan Zhvania, the Public Relations Manager of EFES Georgia, provides insights into the company's commitment to this environmental campaign.

‘The Forest Friend volunteer platform, launched by the National Forestry Agency this summer, received quick support. Efes Georgia is proudly the first company to embrace the role of a Forest Friend and will oversee the rejuvenation efforts in the Tianeti forest area. Over the next three years, 12 hectares will be restored, creating a forest ecosystem that closely mirrors nature. This initiative serves environmental, social, and economic purposes, especially due to the proximity to Lake Sioni, making it a valuable recreational asset,’’ says Natia Iordanishvili, Deputy Head of the National Forestry Agency.

The aim of Forest Friend is to bring the community together to address the challenges confronting Georgia's forests and provide people with the chance to appreciate and safeguard these natural treasures. Developed with financial backing from the Biodiversity Financing Initiative of the United Nations Development Program (BIOFIN) and in collaboration with the National Forestry Agency, the platform invites both individuals and businesses to contribute to the restoration of Georgia's forests through volunteering or financial support.

As of today, the Forest Friend platform boasts 969 registered volunteers, with individual donations totaling 454, and corporate donations reaching 64,923 GEL. Essential equipment and materials, valued at 29,000 euros, have been purchased for forest restoration efforts. Stay tuned, as upcoming forest restoration projects planned for 2024 will soon be added to the platform.

EFES Special is a special beer series crafted using special brewing techniques. Through long brewing, cold filtering, and careful cultivation, the beverage gains a delicate and smooth flavor. With its distinctive packaging, delightful taste, and light color, this beer promises a new experience for consumers. Notably, the product's essence revolves around an environmental campaign - purchasing a new EFES automatically makes you a friend of the forest!

See you in our restored forest!

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